

Tobacco is a native plant of South America ties to all indigenous cultures, from the Mayans and Aztecs to the Caribbean aborigines. In one way or another, tobacco has been the inseparable companion of our indigenous cultures from the remote times of its discovery up to the present day.

The Spanish introduced tobacco in Europe, where the pleasure of smoking became widely popular despite the prohibitions issued by King Phillip II, who decreed the burning of tobacco plants. Other prohibitions were issued in Japan, Persia, and Turkey. Nonetheless, the medical usages of tobacco became popular and spread throughout Europe, as well as the powers of tobacco smoke. Ground tobacco was also used in cooking and in other ways, including headache relief.

On October 12, 1693, the Spanish conquistadors founded what would become the city of San Carlos y San Severino in the province of Matanzas in Cuba. The nearby mouth of the Canímar River was the settlement of peaceful Cuban natives, as well as the location of the legendary Canimao plantations. It was there that the tradition and cultivation of some of the best tobacco in the world began: Cuban tobacco.


According to legend, Canimao was a great Indian warrior who fell in love with a beautiful Indian woman named Cibayara, the Cacique Baguanao's daughter. One day, Cibayara was inexplicably unable to rise from her hammock, her body burning with fever and delirium. After three days, Cacique Baguanao sent Canimao to find Macaori, a folk healer who lived on the banks of the Jibacabuya River, to cure Cibayara.

When Canimao arrived at Macaori’s hut, the healer told him that the beautiful Cibayara would be cured and would become his wife and would give him a son. In exchange, the Bat God would exact a high price from Canimao. Canimao swore before the clay image of the Bat God that he would give his life for the health of his beloved. Macaori then healed Cibayara by order of the Bat God. Canimao and Cibayara were married and, three months later, Cibayara became pregnant.


One day, Canimao left his hut without saying goodbye, took his canoe, and rowed to the center of the Jibacabuya River. With untremblingly hands, Canimao cut open his chest with his own dagger and fell into the river. Months later, Cibayara bore a child. The two of them took offerings together to the Jibacabuya River, which later became known as the Canimao river.